Escape the Crowds During a Post-Holiday Private Island Retreat

Whether you admit to hating crowds aloud or you’ve privately reached that conclusion, there could be a psychological reasons you dislike being in places awash in humanity, say psychology experts. Perhaps you’re an introvert and crowds drain your energy, or you are a sensitive person incapable of tolerating too many stimuli. You may not be able to avoid crowds at home, but you have control over where you unwind and relax!

If you’re just discovering Belize as a potential vacation destination, you may already be impressed by the fact that this nation is close to home, populated by English speakers and, according to The World Population website, Belize “has the lowest population and population density in Central America,” thus your chances of encountering crowds are even slimmer. What a great place to spend your retreat, say frequent Belize visitors!

Increase the odds that you won’t wind up in a crowd

Belize luxury island vacation

Belize is home to a variety of resorts, the most desirable of which are private islands. If you’re also interested in an island that is home to an adults-only resort, you and your travel partner could find out what it’s like to feel like the only two people in the world at Coco Plum Island Resort.

Couples can avail themselves of the convenient, one-price, All Inclusive Snorkel Package covering digs, meals, onsite amenities, local transport, unlimited local alcoholic beverages, and guided snorkeling adventures. You can add additional tours to your itinerary, and every one of them will be available only to island guests, so you avoid crowds on these outings, too.

In this crowd-free environment, you can even re-invent yourself

The assortment of spa services offered to Coco Plum guests is impressive, since the spa itself also features a teak yoga deck, you can practice your movements within this rarified spot that invites nature to be part of your experience. We would be remiss if we didn’t reveal the fact that you could also save money by taking advantage of current discounts covering a stay that’s as short as four days.

Every Coco Plum Island Resort guest can look forward to inner changes that take place only when one escapes crowding and achieves a bliss-filled “island state of mind” where voices that insist you must stay busy and productive to be successful are drowned by ocean waves. Instead, discover the solitude that can only be found when communing with Mother Nature. What’s the biggest benefit of all? You’ll return to the world’s crowds and noise enjoying a newfound peace of mind. Sound like the retreat you’re craving?

Call or email our Reservations office today!


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