Is “Spend the Holidays on a Caribbean Island” On Your 2023 Wish List?

Do you get grumpier than Scrooge as the year-end holidays approach? You’re not alone. It can feel like everyone is trying to get somewhere and the highways leading to Grandma’s house feel like parking lots. Weather? Think ice, snow, and the sore back muscles you get from shoveling out your driveway. Ho-ho-ho!

Sticking around home where the weather matches your mood is no way to celebrate the most beautiful and sacred holiday of all and/or the debut of a new year. Time to change things up. Dramatically. Make Christmas in the Caribbean the gift you give yourself and someone with whom you love to travel. Specifically, head for Belize where magical year-end celebrations await your arrival.

Can you have your traditions, too?

Count on it. Belize is an exciting place to be in December because though this nation has a small population, every holiday is filled with pageantry and joy. You won’t find sour expressions on the faces of Belizeans at this time of year as you wish everyone you run into “Merry Christmas” in English and experience the essence of holiday cheer on every smiling face.

Expect to be immersed in the holiday spirit—especially if you’re lucky enough to book a stay at the premier adults-only island resort off the coast where Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are guaranteed to perk up even Grinches! At Coco Plum Island Resort, Christmas and New Year morph into the capital of joy, and you’re welcome to join the fun.

It’s been a long and stressful year

You yearn to empty your mind, shake off your worries, and feel freedom only experienced when burdensome tasks associated with Christmas and New Year’s Eve are left behind. Instead, you’re invited to record this voicemail message: “We’re being pampered in 80-degree temperatures. Call you back early next year when we finish tanning!”

Coco Plum’s Belize all inclusive package covers every need and wants under the sun, and you call the shots in terms of what you’ll see, do, and experience during your stay by selecting from fabulous add-ons tailored to match the wishes of vacationers of varied interests.

2023 Caribbean holiday destinations

On the most festive days of all…

Coco Plum rolls out the red carpet for island guests. Dine on traditional fare at the on-site restaurant where mouth-watering international dishes are also on the menu. Pack on the pounds? No way. Myriad opportunities to indulge in activities you may never have tried await.

Planning a romantic holiday escape? Have meals brought to your private cabana as the staff delivers on every extra you dream about? From tradition to exclusivity, find it all at this island paradise, but it’s prudent to call 1-800-763-7360 immediately to make sure Coco Plum is not fully booked on the days you wish to celebrate Christmas or New Year’s Eve island style. If you’re lucky enough to secure a reservation, pack your own mistletoe and comply with the ancient directive that requires removing one berry after each kiss!

Call or email our Reservations office today!


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